sábado, junio 05, 2004

I should be going to sleep

But instead I just activated my new g-mail account. 1000 MB! So gangsta. Speaking of G-thangs, I watched the Ali G movie for the first time tonight until I realized that birds were chirping and home was a whole borough away. It is always strange how empty the city can be in the very late night. For some reason, I always feel that 2 AM would be as busy as 6 AM, but if you've ever taken the subway at 6 AM on a weekday it is packed and in the wee hours when the birds just start chirping you can sometimes be the only person in a car. There is something rather wonderful about being able to walk down Broadway or Canal and pass maybe one person when just a few hours later you can barely move, or being able to cross the street at Columbus Circle without waiting for a walk light. For whatever reason though, the street below my window never ever calms down, to the extent where the silences created by red lights are deafening. I hear them louder than the traffic at this point. I suppose if it did grow as empty as other parts of the city walking home would be a bit more scary but I can never cross without a walk light and yesterday when I "dusted" the windowsill the paper towels came up black. One can only imagine my lungs, who sleep directly underneath. If I can manage the financial responsibility that it would entail, I may move in September. But that is a lot of financial responsibility. Carcinogens come so cheaply. And responsibility comes at such a huge price.

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