jueves, septiembre 02, 2004

beep beep beep beep beep

My radar is failing me. I can't distinguish the trash in my room from my clothing. The girls I may live with in Arkansas were just described to me as "Sex in the city of the Ozarks." I can't leave soon enough. Friday to Allentown, land of my birth, then my respects to Emily in Philadelphia then back to NY then away away away...

I saw Hero last night and I was a little disappointed, but also motivated to ask what could be done in a movie with such pretty colors that had a compelling story instead of what felt like various levels of streetfighter compiled into a piece of despotic propaganda. But really so pretty, and the guards in their black cloaks that scurried en masse reminded me of one of my favorite parts of Princess Mononoke, when the soldiers scurry around disguised as boars. There is something about masses of people engaged in the act of scurrying that I quite enjoy.

I feel like I haven't slept in years. It has only been days.

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