jueves, diciembre 18, 2003

Snobercrombie & Bitch + Slavoj Zizek = Theoretically Inflected White People

So much has been made of the fact that Slavoj Zizek wrote "theoretically inflected catalog copy" for the "Back to School 2003" issue of the Abercrombie & Fitch Quarterly.
I would cite where I first saw this, but I haven't gotten permission to link to that particular jumble of nonsensical boyish quips (you know who you are, consider yourself cited) so I'll go straight to the NY Times article.

But before you start complaining that "theory is finished", (and who the fuck cares anyway?) look at this.:

"The creative freedom the staff is afforded is startling. Since I began work on the Quarterly, I've worked on features on such atypically "Abercrombiesque" celebrities as Clive Barker, Space Ghost, Crocodile Huntress Terri Irwin, the Dandy Warhols, Chuck Palahniuk, Art Spiegelman, Princess Superstar, Frank Miller, Will Eisner, MC Paul Barman and Bettie Page. (I've also done features on cult movies like Cemetery Man and Velvet Goldmine and books like The Story of O, Jimmy Corrigan: The Smartest Kid on Earth and Disinformation's own You Are Being Lied To.) Three Pulitzer Prize-winners have been profiled in our last two issues (Spiegelman, Michael Cunningham and Michael Chabon). Bleeding-edge scholars Slavoj Zizek and Jodi Dean have put in appearances, as well as writers like Bret Easton Ellis, Caleb Carr, Tom Perrotta, Camille Paglia, Bruce Jay Friedman, J.T. Leroy and Rick Moody. If we can expose just one member of the baseball-caps-and-lacrosse-sticks set (judging from the warmth of the reception the Quarterly has received from this quarter, they may be a more open-minded bunch than anyone's giving them credit for) to any of these individuals, well, 'tis a consummation to be devoutly wished."

This article is from over two years ago, so Zizek's 2003 appearance may not have even been his first. We all have skeletons in our closet, and such close association to Bret Easton Ellis would be an honor for us all.

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